Soft tissue laser dentistry

Laser technology continues to transform many procedures in healthcare. Once the subject of sci-fi movies, lasers now clearly provide benefits for mainstream treatment in medicine and dentistry. Shorter procedures, less discomfort, and rapid healing comprise just a few of the benefits offered by modern lasers.

Is Soft Tissue Laser dentistry Useful?

Advanced Solutions for Soft Tissue Issues

The soft tissues of the mouth span around 30 square inches, often requiring treatment for various concerns. Conditions such as lumps, bumps, or abnormal tissue may need removal or biopsy. Previously, these issues were treated with surgery, incisions, and sutures. Now, a pen-shaped laser wand allows Dr. Valiente to efficiently remove bothersome tissue in just minutes, ensuring a smooth healing process without the need for stitches.


Lasers also excel in gum treatments, allowing for precise reshaping with minimal bleeding. This improves both appearance and overall oral health. Additionally, gum infections can be treated swiftly, promoting faster recovery. Cold sores and mouth ulcers also benefit from laser energy, which accelerates healing and reduces pain, alleviating the discomfort of recurrent outbreaks.

Supporting Growth and Development

Laser technology is beneficial for pediatric care as well. It can aid in the growth and development of young patients, including helping wisdom teeth emerge in their proper position. With specialized training in laser techniques, Dr. Valiente can address a variety of conditions, utilizing one of the most versatile tools in modern dentistry.

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