Propel Orthodontic Treatment For most patients, straight teeth mean a terrific smile. But did you know that properly aligned teeth are healthier than misaligned teeth? Overlapped, crooked, or rotated teeth create a daily cleaning challenge. Food and bacterial plaque accumulate slowly in the tiny spaces that your toothbrush and floss can’t reach. The acidic toxins […]


Dental Braces Braces might be considered a rite of passage for young people, much like getting a first driver’s license. An array of wires, brackets, and springs provide combinations for numerous treatment scenarios. Sometimes clear brackets and tooth-colored wires can help hide the hardware, leading to an ideal outcome with minimal display during the process. […]


Clear Correct For ultimate camouflage, tray or aligner systems render a modern straightening method. Designed with sophisticated software and 3D digital models of your teeth, a series of clear plastic trays produce the straightening results. Medical-grade plastic without wires, metal, springs, or rubber bands gently moves your teeth into place. Gradual pressure on specific teeth […]


Invisalign For ultimate camouflage, tray or aligner systems render a modern straightening method. Designed with sophisticated software and 3D digital models of your teeth, a series of clear plastic trays produce the straightening results. Medical-grade plastic without wires, metal, springs, or rubber bands gently moves your teeth into place. Gradual pressure on specific teeth with […]

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